Our credentials
Why Here?
We help you create and deliver person-centred healthcare for the whole community.
Our expertise lies in designing and delivering healthcare that flexes to meet individual needs and circumstances for all of us.
What’s unique about our approach is that we make equitable, personalised care a reality – at scale.
With a growing workforce of personalised care experts, smart data systems, and highly skilled care navigators we have the infrastructure in place to balance at scale delivery with a person-centred approach.
This means we deliver true value for our commissioners and partners and meaningful impact for the community.
Case studies:
Unique offer
Personalised healthcare at scale
Health-equity built-in
Health Builders Network
Health-equity Dashboards – for existing services
Working with us, you can expect:
- Better patient outcomes and experiences
- Reduced waiting times
- Efficient (optimized?) service delivery
- Personalisation and health-equity as standard
- Motivated staff
Because we are experts in delivering services that are:
- Person-centered – from collaborative design rooted in the perspective of people with lived experience to What Matters to You conversations as standard.
- Health-equitable – using data intelligently to find underserved communities and our expertise in collaborative working to reach out and cocreate solutions.
- Optimised – developing smart systems, using the latest technology, enabling health professionals to deliver exceptional care for the whole community.
- Sustainable – continuous improvement means services are responsive to evolving needs and take advantage of new technology as it emerges. – NO WASTE/Efficient
- Cost effective/Value for money – with all this built in, there is no need for expensive retro fits or disruptive transformations down the line.
We can do this because we have a tried and tested approach that offers:
- 15 years’ of delivering exceptional, CQC Outstanding healthcare services.
- A cocreation network of people with lived experience and community groups
- Workforce of personalisation experts and skilled care navigators (multidisciplinary??)
- Cutting edge data and analytics tools developed and supported by skilled analysts.
- Agility as a social enterprise with a test and learn culture
- XXX service awards
- Trusted partners – trusted by organisations all over the UK
- Happy, dedicated staff – retention and autonomy
Through our years of delivering CQC outstanding health services, we know personalised care leads to reduced wating times, better patient outcomes, more efficient service delivery and happier staff.
That’s why our services are built on personalisation principles, with ‘What Matters to You’ conversations at the heart of our model. (link to LTC model)
Our Impact
What we do exceptionally well
Delivery. We are experts in service delivery by designing and delivering the awarded-winning healthcare services and pathways.
Discovery. We explore and develop new ways to achieve exceptional care by generating fresh ideas and insights to improve the care.
Enabling. We support fellow healthcare professionals with our award-winning e-learning and analytical service.