Healthcare news and resources from the Here team

Why do we want to work with hospices?
When we work in partnership we seek likeminded organisations, and it is no surprise that we have started to find these in the hospice sector. We feel privileged to support the work of St Gemma’s Hospice and to share our learning in this new partnership.
Announcing our new partnership with St Gemma’s Hospice
We are delighted to announce our new partnership with St Gemma’s Hospice, a leading palliative care provider. This collaboration represents an important step towards achieving our shared commitment to delivering exceptional care for everyone.
Personalised care made accessible from Sussex MSK Partnership
We know that conveying complex medical information in a clear and accessible manner can be challenging. This is where Sussex MSK Partnership Central’s animations step in, rethinking the way healthcare information is delivered to patients.
Fern Bolwell’s reflections on the Sussex Health Equity Fellowship
The Health Equity Fellowship is a nine-month programme delivered by NHS Sussex and Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex, which equips participants with the skills and knowledge to become key change agents within their organisations, promoting a focus on equity and reducing health inequalities.
A clinical view of the Stroke Health and Wellbeing Service Pilot: From Patient to Person
Consultant stroke physician, Dr Ingrid Kane, reflects on provisions for stroke survivors, and how the Stroke and Wellbeing Pilot has improved the lives of patients in Sussex.If we go back to the first Stroke and Wellbeing Service meeting we had together - which was a...
From health inequalities to creating health equity
By creating a mission around health equity, we can connect our staff to a bolder vision for their work, with healthcare workers as agents of social change, making a difference to our world rather than processing an endless chain of individuals passing through.
Social Impact Framework development – could you help us?
We aim to report annually externally on our social impact, and use the framework internally to help us develop consistently across our organisation, services and locations.
Long term conditions NHS eLearning programme features CAD
PRosPer – Long Term Conditions eLearning course has just launched, featuring a case study highlighting the impact of Community Appointment Days. Sophie Wickins, Clinical Project Manager at NHS South, Central and West (SCW) approached Georgi Daluiso-King, from...
Sustainability goals: Responsible consumption and production
The UN Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of 17 global goals adopted by all United Nations Member States. They are designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”.
Sussex MSK Partnership Central members attend IFOMPT 2024 world conference
Laura Finucane, our Clinical Director at Sussex MSK Partnership Central, is also President of The International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists (IFOMPT).This year the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT) -...
CAD success in Brighton
Last Monday, colleagues from Sussex MSK Partnership Central supported University Hospital Sussex to see 240 people at their own Community Appointment Day (CAD). Held at the Sports Centre at University Of Sussex in Falmer, the CAD supported people from Brighton through...
Elspeth’s story of her Alzheimer’s diagnosis
We meet Patient Care Advisor Jamie Tulley.