19 September 2024

Why do we want to work with hospices?


Mature woman wearing a headscarf receiving care from a nurse in a hospice

Hospices have always formed part of my landscape. For a time in Sydenham, St Christopher’s was my next door neighbour, where I grew up in Cornwall, our little back lane now leads to the beautifully designed and uniquely delivered Little Harbour, and I now drive past the stunning new build of St Catherine’s on my way back and forth to my office.  

As a healthcare professional, I have long been inspired by the way palliative services resolutely embody the very best of personalised care – with a relentless focus on living, on what is important, on what matters to you and those around you as life comes full circle.  

Supporting the hospice sector

Watching the challenges in the hospice sector over the past year has been heartbreaking when you see so clearly the powerful work they do, both to individuals who need their love and care, and to systems who need training, reminders, and inspirational examples of how care can and should be different.  

As an organisation Here’s purpose is ‘Exceptional care, for everyone’. We deliver services, but over the years we have also developed offers to support others to deliver exceptional care.

Our focus on data and analytics has long underpinned our innovative services.

Empowered clinicians and patients co-designing services systematically responds to what matters to individuals. Timely accurate data drives every aspect of decision making so care can become bespoke by default, delivering exceptional outcomes and places to work.

Nurse visiting mature woman in hospice, preparing injection

Partnering with St Gemma’s Hospice


When we work in partnership we seek likeminded organisations, and it is no surprise that we have started to find these in the hospice sector. We feel privileged to support the work of St Gemma’s Hospice and to share our learning in this new partnership.

In our work with St Gemma’s, we want to bring the full breadth of our experience into the partnership. We will provide a mixture of infrastructure (a cloud-based data warehouse, Power BI), coupled with analytics and other technical expertise.  

Our goal is twofold: to streamline St Gemma’s existing reporting processes for greater efficiency, and to harness data-driven insights to better quantify and demonstrate their impact.


By harnessing this data analytics work, we want to help other organisations work more efficiently, empowering them to provide exceptional care not only to the people they support but also to the dedicated staff who deliver care.


Think we could support your organisation? Feel free to get in touch at collab@hereweare.org.uk if you’d like to discuss working in partnership with us.

Dr. Helen Curr, Chief Executive at Here

My role is to hold ourselves true to our values. To make sure our commitment to putting people at the heart of their healthcare journey is embedded in every decision and action we take.

Photo of Dr Helen Curr, a white woman with short hair and smiling

Also of interest

How can Here help hospices enhance their impact with data?

How can Here help hospices enhance their impact with data?

Our goal isn’t to outsource your data function; it’s to build a partnership where we work alongside you, helping your hospice maximise its impact through effective data use. We aim to empower your team to focus on what really matters: understanding your service outcomes and making informed decisions about where improvements can be made.

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Announcing our new partnership with St Gemma’s Hospice

Announcing our new partnership with St Gemma’s Hospice

We are delighted to announce our new partnership with St Gemma’s Hospice, a leading palliative care provider. This collaboration represents an important step towards achieving our shared commitment to delivering exceptional care for everyone.

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