Health service delivery
Additional primary care services in Sussex
Service: Additional Primary Care (APC)
Reach Brighton and Hove – c276K* (also open to non-residents)
*2021 Office for National Statistics mid-year population estimates

Additional Primary Care (APC)
We ensure people seeking care see the right person at the right time, in the right place. Our team of dedicated GPs and Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP) provide evening and weekend cover, 365 days a year, 7 days a week, including bank holidays, working hard to relieve the pressure on the urgent and emergency care system, ensuring a positive experience for patients.

APC service impact
Approximately 80%* of our patients are assessed and treated within APC, with no need for emergency care at the hospital or further appointments with their own registered GPs.
total people seen in 2024
referred directly by 111 services, avoiding being sent to A&E
needed no further intervention
*January to December 2024
How we deliver additional primary care services
A flexible and dynamic service, APC supports people of all ages who need urgent care but are more suited to primary care than A&E, including patients who are unregistered or live out of the area.
We do this through a mixture of telephone and face to face appointments based at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton and focus on the experience of people seeking care to ensure they have a positive journey, as well as providing exceptional individual care.
Feedback from our patients

How else we can help
Health services delivery: We design and deliver CQC ‘Outstanding’ services and pathways.
Tools and training for health professionals: We provide award-winning analysis, automation tools, and time-saving training.
Healthcare innovation: We develop bold solutions to transform long-term conditions services and pathways.