Here LogoRated Outstanding by the CQC


Office Risk Assessment

Office Risk Assessment 2023

Quality of Care

The Care Quality Commission regulates Here (formerly known as Brighton and Hove Integrated Care Service)

Please find the latest reports below:

Here CQC Report

Audited Accounts

Financial Year 2022-2023

Supplier Payment Report

Supplier Prompt Payment Reporting
How to get paid

NHS Provider Licence (formerly Monitor Licence)

NHS England regulates health service across England. They are responsible for protecting and promoting the interests of patients by ensuring that the whole sector works for their benefit.

Care Unbound Ltd Monitor Licence 2023

G3 letter selfcert signed 2023

G5 letter selfcert signed 2023


Find out how we are working to meet best practice guidelines with regards to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children.

Annual safeguarding report 2023

Infection Prevention and Control

Read an overview of the Infection Prevention and Control arrangements we’re using inside Here and our plan for improvements over the next 12 months.

Annual infection Prevention report 2023

Equality and Diversity

We are committed to equality and valuing diversity. Find out about the work we’re carrying out around equality and diversity within our recruitment processes and the work we do.

  • We recognise that equality means treating everyone with equal dignity irrespective of any protected personal characteristics.
  • We also believe that people have different needs, situations and goals and achieving equality requires the removal of the discriminatory barriers that limit what people can do and can be.
  • We are committed to ensuring that people do not experience inequality through discrimination or disadvantage imposed by other individuals, groups, institutions or systems.

Our Equality Objectives

Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery Statement 2023

Gender Pay Gap

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Carbon Reduction Plan

Carbon Reduction Plan 2023


Creating and Sustaining Excellence (CASE) in MSK Care: A CASE for Change

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