23 October 2024

Community Appointment Days – Evaluation proves impact on MSK care


Jamie Tulley

We’re delighted to publish the Sussex MSK Partnership Community Appointment Days Evidence Review & Evaluation, and share our learnings.

As a not-for-profit, we’re always focused on learning from our work and pushing to improve our services, ensuring exceptional care reaches everyone. This review highlights the tangible impact CADs are having on MSK care delivery and reveals key insights that will help us build on this progress. 

One of the standout successes of the initiative has been the rise in Patient-Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU) rates. More than 50% of CAD attendees opted for this approach, a significant increase compared to the 12% seen in other services. Although national evidence on PIFU’s effectiveness is still emerging, these figures suggest that CADs are making a real difference in promoting long-term self-management.

An older man wearing a jacket and jeans is sat with his legs crossed talking to a younger black male clinician - who is listening and taking notes at a Community Appointment Day
A large number of staff stood in a sports hall at a Community Appointment Day listening to someone speaking

How are Community Appointment Days making a difference? 

  • Supporting self-care: Over 50% of patients who attended CADs were able to move to self-care after just one session, reducing the need for ongoing clinic visits. 
  • Boost in Patient-Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU): More than half of CAD attendees opted for PIFU, compared to just 12% in other services. This shows that patients are taking charge of their long-term care. 
  • Overwhelmingly positive feedback: Patients and staff alike have praised the expert advice, personalised care, and collaborative environment that CADs offer. 

Helping to manage waiting times 

Although CADs weren’t specifically designed to reduce waiting times, we’ve seen another benefit: they’ve helped us keep waiting lists stable, a big achievement given national trends of increasing backlogs. 

Read evaluation in full 

We’re excited to share these findings with you. You can download the complete Evaluation Review and Report and dive into all the details. 

If you’re thinking of starting your own Community Appointment Days, check out our Essential Ingredients guide for tips on how to get started.  

Curious about how CADs work? Read more in our blog series:

A group of four team members, one male, three female stand close together and smiling in a sports hall at a Community Appointment Day
Photo of a sports hall with a woman stood helping to direct people where they need to go, next to a banner that reads 'What Matters To You'

Evaluation overview


Support for self-management: 

  • CAD effectiveness: The initiative has significantly improved patient self-management, with over 50% discharged to self-care after just one CAD appointment. This suggests a reduction in the need for multiple follow-up appointments, potentially easing the burden on downstream clinics. 
  • PIFU outcomes: CAD patients had a much higher rate (over 50%) of Patient Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU) as an outcome compared to other services (12%). Although the evidence base for PIFU’s effectiveness is limited, the higher rate in CAD indicates a positive impact on long-term self-management.

Patient experience: 

  • Positive feedback: Patients reported overwhelmingly positive experiences, especially regarding face-to-face expert advice and personalised care. Despite some operational concerns like waiting times, patients felt involved and heard, meeting the initiative’s goal of enabling active participation in care.

Staff experience: 

  • Professional development: Staff enjoyed the CAD events, appreciating the opportunity to spend quality time with patients, understand their needs, and provide tailored advice. The collaborative environment also fostered a sense of collegiality. However, there were some negative comments about operational issues, such as workflow and IT challenges. 

Adoption and attendance: 

  • Good adoption: High conversion rates from invitations to attendance indicate strong adoption of CAD across different areas. However, attendance variations by age group suggest barriers for working-age adults, who may benefit from more advanced information and preparation. 

Exploration of broader health issues: 

  • Broader services: Feedback indicates that CAD attendees could explore broader issues affecting their musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions giving people the opportunity to access support from other health and wellbeing services.

Impact on equity: 

  • No perpetuation of inequalities: Analysis by age, gender, and deprivation suggests that the CAD initiative does not exacerbate inequalities. However, higher DNA (Did Not Attend) and cancellation rates among working-age adults indicate accessibility issues for this group. 

Waiting Times Impact:

Stable waiting times: The CAD initiative was not specifically designed to reduce waiting lists, but has shown a potential positive impact. From January to May 2024, the waiting list for Sussex MSK Partnership remained stable, while national trends show increasing volumes. Sussex MSK has also reduced the number of patients waiting over 18 weeks, outperforming the national average. Although a direct causal link between CAD and waiting list reductions cannot be confirmed, timing correlations and qualitative findings suggest a positive influence.

Potential long-term effect: Further analysis is required to determine CAD’s long-term impact on waiting times, but current patterns, combined with low Patient Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU) rates, indicate that CAD may contribute to sustained reductions if the initiative continues.

Limitations and recommendations: 

  • Data and methodology limitations: The report is based on limited data from six CAD events without a comparator group. Longitudinal data and independent qualitative data collection are recommended for a more robust evaluation. 
  • Key recommendations: 
  • Commission independent qualitative data collection and follow-up with non-attendees. 
  • Link CAD attendee data to primary and secondary care records to assess service utilisation. 
  • Refine data on PIFU usage by CAD attendees, stratified by key demographics. 
  • Maintain records of review and learning activities related to CAD and implement operational improvements. 

Background on MSK care: 

  • Growing demand for MSK care: MSK conditions are a leading cause of disability in the UK, significantly impacting individuals and the healthcare system. The CAD initiative in Sussex aims to address these challenges by providing a comprehensive, integrated care model in a community setting. 


The CAD initiative has achieved its goals of improving patient self-management and staff engagement. There are opportunities for further operational improvements and more comprehensive data collection to enhance future evaluations.

If you’ve looked at our work at Here and you think we’d make a good partner for your next project or you’d like to share ideas, we’d love to hear from you. 

To get in touch email: collab@hereweare.org.uk 

A white man is stood on one leg leaning against a wall and receiving physio care from a woman kneeling next to him holding his leg at a Community Appointment Day